Egypt - a history of all mankind. No country in the world are there so many secrets and mysteries, how much is stored in a endless sand dunes of Egypt. Until now, come here a variety of archaeological groups from different countries, hoping to get some light on the artifact that will transform our understanding of the country of the Pharaohs.
For 3000 years BC Mines combined Pharaoh of Egypt and from that moment began early in the realm of the city verhneegipetskom tees. Hence, the readout and led the Egyptian history of the state.
The most outstanding is the time of Pharaoh Ramses II, the third king of Dynasty XIX, the son of Pharaoh Seti I. During his Egyptian civilization lived up to its peak. In Egypt, was created innumerable temples and works of art, most of which still rise above the white sands of the Sahara. For years, Egypt was considered the most powerful nation in the world.
The Red Sea belongs to the seas and the Indian Ocean situated between the Arabian Peninsula and Africa. Washes the shores of Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia and Yemen. In the north of the Red Sea Suez Canal connects the Mediterranean Sea in the south - the Bab el Mandeb strait to the Arabian Sea. In the northern part of the sea are gulfs of Suez and Aqaba, the Sinai peninsula divided. Islands in the northern part of the sea and just a little south of 17 ° N they form large groups, most of them - Dahlak in the southwestern part of the sea. The area of the Red Sea - 450 km2, length - 1932 km, width - up to 305 km.
The depth of the Red Sea - up to 2811 m in the bottom topography divided into three zones. First - this is the coastal shallows (depth 200 m). In the southern coastal sea widest beach with numerous coral islands and indigenous. The second zone - depression, which occupies most of the seabed. The average depth of the basin to 1000 m and the third zone is a narrow and deep trench with a maximum depth of 2811 m
The Sinai Peninsula links Africa with Asia, to which it belongs geographically. The peninsula wedged in the Red Sea and bordering the Gulf of Suez to the west and the east - the Gulf of Aqaba. The northern part of the peninsula is a desert plateau, mountains in the south formed by crystalline rocks, which have various shades of bluish and greenish to reddish-brown. Extraordinarily beautiful coral reefs and rich marine life easily explained by the fact that the southern coast of the Sinai is considered one of the best places for scuba diving lonely grandeur of Sinai makes it exciting beautiful. Modern civilization walked by his side. Mountain areas and the desert is almost uninhabited. The peninsula is inhabited by only a handful of Bedouins, growing their own food production dates so breeding goats at the foot of the mountains.
Sinai has always been one of the most important crossroads of the world. In the XVI century BC Egyptian pharaohs paved "the way of the god Horus" across northern Sinai to Jerusalem. Great "Via the Marne," the road from the Nile Valley in Mesopotamia, also passed on the Mediterranean coast of Sinai. The Romans and Nabateans used by desert from east to west Sinai, later received the name "Darb al-Hajj" - "the road of pilgrims." On it went to the Egyptian Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca.
In the south, in the triangular tip of the peninsula resembles a lunar landscape. It piled up granite mountains, with sharp peaks of Mount Moses (Bible - Mount Horeb), Mount Saint Catherine, Mount Serbal and Umm Shumar, where the children of Israel wandered 33 centuries ago.
One of the most interesting sites for tourists in the Sinai is St. Catherine's Monastery. In 313, Emperor Constantine the Great granted the status of a recognized religion, Christianity, and granted freedom of religion throughout the Roman Empire. Like most of the subsequent Byzantine rulers, he patronized monastic orders, spread into the biblical lands. The desire to be closer to God and away from persecution by the Roman pagans first resulted in a large number of Christians in the Sinai. They found there a calm, quiet, solitude and sanctity.
Egypt has a very vast area, so the country's climate is diverse. However, you can relax in Egypt throughout the year. In principle, we can say that the weather is ideal in October - April, terribly hot in the May - July, too hot in August and September. However, it is actually much more complicated, because in Egypt, as in all semi-arid countries, a huge influence on the temperature of the air has wind. Throughout the year, Egypt was under the influence of the north-east wind, and in December - March, temperatures can "ride" on the evening before falling 6-7 ° C. Winter in Egypt can be quite cold. In March, begins to dominate the south-west wind khamsin, which in Arabic means "fifty" - as it follows a period of 50 days. Because of its temperature rises. Dry and hot gusts of wind sometimes reaching speeds of 100-120 km / h and can cause numerous delays and intensity of air transport on the road (road enters the sand becomes indiscernible markings, etc.). Since May, the thermometer starts to go off-scale: the temperature on some days could rise to 45 ° C. This makes it impossible for any activity (except swimming). However, it should be noted that this applies only to the Middle and Upper Egypt, while in the Sinai Peninsula (due to its elevation above sea level and the prevailing north-easterly winds) and on the Mediterranean coast the temperature remains within acceptable limits (an average of 26 ° C in August, Alexandria). In August alone, the heat begins to soften, and by October the weather is beautiful again. As for rain, it is unlikely that you'll have to see it during your trip, unless you're walking in the winter or early spring along the Mediterranean coast. Here, at this time are short rainy periods (in Alexandria, annual rainfall 200 mm). In Cairo, the rains are extremely rare, but even they are enough to turn the city's dust and debris in the blackish dirt that gives a dark and dismal Cairo appearance.
Recreation of Egypt
More than six thousand years of history, remnants of ancient civilizations, the great pyramids and pharaohs, ancient churches and rich museums - attractions of Egypt is not the first century attracted many tourists. Ancient Egypt left to posterity a priceless heritage, a unique opportunity to touch that we have today.
Cognitive and a variety of tours of Egypt offering for everyone to get acquainted with the history of this amazing country.
Egyptian Museum in Cairo
The majestic neo-classical building which now houses the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, was designed by French architect Marcel Durnona. This is a collection unique is the largest collection of Egyptian art in the world, consisting of approximately 150,000 items related to a single civilization, which existed three thousand years.
This museum should be visited at least for one room, where exposed to the funeral mask of King Tutankhamun (11 kg of pure gold and precious stones), and yet - in a museum of more than 100 rooms, each of which is full of stunning masterpieces.
Huge interest in Ancient Egypt originated from the Europeans at the turn of the XVII and XVIII centuries and was due at least three factors: the Napoleonic campaign in Egypt in 1798, the discovery of the Rosetta Stone in 1799, as well as the publication in France in the years 1809-1816 the most complete scientific work, "Description of Egypt."
Europeans who visited this country, took out the whole collection of Egyptian antiquities, many of whom formed the core of exhibits that are now in many museums in Europe. To stop the uncontrolled removal of historic property in 1834, at the direction of Mohammed Ali Pasha, was a museum where all exhibits are cataloged. Soon after the collection was moved into the territory of the Citadel in Cairo. Unfortunately, the entire collection was originally collected was donated by the Austrian Archduke Maximilian Pasha, and is now in Vienna.
In 1858, to guide excavations in Egypt came one of the directors of the Louvre Auguste Marietta. In a small town near Cairo was assembled a new collection, which marked the beginning of the Cairo Egyptian Museum.
In 1902 the collection was moved into the building, which now adorns one of the central squares of Cairo - Tahrir.
In the Egyptian museum contains a rich collection of cultural treasures of the dynastic period. In more than a hundred halls and galleries located about 150 000 exhibits. On inspection of the entire collection would take several days or even weeks. So you should pay attention to the most interesting.
At the entrance you will see giant statues depicting Amenhotep III and his wife Tiyu. Contrary to tradition, her figure is the same magnitude as the figure of the pharaoh.
On the ground floor of the museum exhibited works Amarn period. They are much more realistic than anything that has been created in Egypt before, and after them. What is a famous head of Nefertiti!
First of all, the treasures of the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun, on display in the far end of the second floor. The tomb was discovered in 1922 in the Valley of the Kings, near the city of Luxor. The find was an archaeological sensation of the twentieth century as the tomb of Tutankhamun - the only one of the royal tombs, found not looted, in its original form. Treasure it were so numerous that their description, and transportation to the Egyptian Museum took five years. In the halls, where the treasures of the tomb are exhibited, there are four gilded wooden ark. Once upon a time they kept the stone sarcophagus of Tutankhamun, who is now in the valley of the Kings. The museum has three sarcophagi, one of which is made of cast gold, weighing 110 kilograms. The whole world knows now posthumous golden mask of the young Tutankhamun. It faithfully reproduces the face of the young pharaoh, who died in the 18 years of age. Another priceless exhibit - Tutankhamun's gilded throne, adorned with precious stones. The armrests are made in the form of snakes on the sides of the seat are lions' heads. On the back of the throne depicts the pharaoh and his beloved wife.
The newly reopened Hall of the royal mummies. In shop windows, where lie the mummies, the microclimate is created, as in the tombs of Valley of the Kings. Here on display 11 mummies of pharaohs, including Ramses II, Thutmose II and Seti I.
Generally speaking, uninteresting exhibits in the Egyptian Museum there, they were selected out of hundreds of thousands that are stored in the vaults. All exhibited in the halls - a unique and amazing craftsmanship of the ancient painters and sculptors.
One of the most remarkable places of Egypt, situated not far from the resort of Sharm el Sheikh - a mountain of Moses. Mountain got its name in honor of the legend that on top of this mountain (which had the name Horeb), Moses received from God the tablets of the Ten Commandments. Moses Mountain has an elevation of 2285 meters above sea level and its summit offers magnificent views to the countryside. More than two kilometers overcome in about two hours. Excursion to the mountain of Moses, usually held at night in order, so the very first rays of the sun meet at the top of the mountain. According to legend, together with the dawn of man all sins are forgiven. That is why the trip to the mountain there at night. And climbing the trails at night, as well as sunrise on the mountain, tourists will be remembered for a lifetime. The road to the top of a complex and many tourists, starting the ascent, decide to terminate their way. For these tourists have the opportunity to climb the mountain of Moses on horseback. Another, shorter and more difficult road to the summit is on the rocks, the steps that have been cut by the monks. In all there are over 3700 steps and it will make only a trained person. All the efforts spent by tourists during the ascent of the spirit of breathtaking scenery compensated. In order to tour and climb Mount was more comfortable, you need to have a few things. First, this kind of thing. Bear in mind that the ascent takes place at night. In addition, at dawn it is very cold. Second, all clothing and shoes should be comfortable. Third, the rise will require strength, take a food and water. Excursion to the mountain of Moses starts at 10 pm and lasts until 2 pm. The excursion program includes not only climbing, but also an excursion to St. Catherine's Monastery, which is located at the foot of Mount Moses (women need a handkerchief on his head). Excursion to the mountain of Moses, with climbing, costs about 40 euros per adult and 20 euros per child under 12 years of age.
The Pyramid of Cheops
Nobody remembers living Cheops. All he remembers only the dead. He was dead and a hundred and one thousand and three thousand years ago and always, always will be dead - the pyramid has immortalized his death
The Egyptian pyramid of Cheops at Giza - the oldest and yet the only surviving wonder of the world. It received its name after its founder - the pharaoh Khufu (ca. 2551 - 2528 years. BC). Because of its enormous size it is sometimes called the Great Pyramid, and placed first in the list of wonders of the world. With the exception of the Great Wall of China, the Great Pyramid of Giza - the largest building ever erected by man. Great Pyramid of Giza in ancient times reached 146 m, is currently top of the pyramid is destroyed and its present height of 137 meters.
The construction of the pyramid of Cheops has left 2.3 million stone blocks weighing an average 2.5 tons each. At the time of Cheops pyramid faces were covered with polished slabs of fine-grained sandstone, which were then used for the construction of the palaces of the sultans and the construction of houses in Cairo. On the amount used in the construction of the pyramids of the material can be judged from the following fact: according to British scientists estimates for the construction of Christian churches in England took less material than a pyramid of Cheops.
Recently, some scholars have expressed doubt that the Great Pyramid was indeed the tomb of Pharaoh Cheops. In support of this hypothesis they put forward three arguments:
The burial chamber, contrary to the customs of the time, has no embellishments.
The sarcophagus, which was to rest the body of the deceased pharaoh, a roughly hewn, that is, not completely ready, but the sarcophagus lid is non-existent.
And finally, two narrow course in which a small hole in the hull of the pyramid to the burial chamber penetrates the air outside.
But the dead do not need the air - this is another strong argument in favor of the pyramid of Cheops was not a place of burial.
Entrance to the Great Pyramid was originally located on the north side, at the 13th series of granite slabs. He is now closed. Get inside the pyramid manhole can be left by the ancient robbers. More than 3,500 years inside the Great Pyramid was not disturbed by anyone: all entrances to it were carefully bricked up, and the very tomb of the Egyptian notions, guarded by the spirits, ready to kill anyone who tries to penetrate it.
The Pyramid of Chephren (Khafre)
At a distance of approximately 160 meters from the towering Pyramid of Cheops Pyramid of Chephren (Khafre), whose height is 136.6 meters (previously 143.5), and the side length - 210.5 m. Visually, the pyramid of Chephren, which retained 22 rows lining appears above the pyramid of Cheops. The effect is achieved due to the fact that its base is at a higher elevation. In general, with those points, which carry tourists, the pyramid of Khafre seems ansamblya.Odnim center of all of the most magnificent and well-preserved monumental buildings of the Old Kingdom is the lower church of the pyramid of Khafre. This temple, having regard to the form of a square with sides of 4.5 m, built of large blocks of granite. Before the temple was a wharf where pricalivali boat, floating in the canal from the Nile. Two entrances to the temple, watching, apparently, four Sphinx, carved from granite. In the middle of the temple was placed a sort of dais, where it is possible there was a statue of the pharaoh. From both inputs departed narrow corridors that led to the gipos with sixteen monolithic granite pillars. In this room, shaped like an inverted T, stood the statue of a seated twenty-three Pharaoh, made of alabaster, slate and diorite. This hall is now devoid of covering, originally covered with small holes in the ceiling, through which the light is falling apart on each statue.
The internal structure of the pyramid of Khafre is relatively simple. Two cameras and two entrances on the north side, one - about 15 meters, the other - under it, at the base. Now get inside the pyramid from the top of the entrance corridor, which is beneath the ground is leveled and leads to the burial chamber.
For 3000 years BC Mines combined Pharaoh of Egypt and from that moment began early in the realm of the city verhneegipetskom tees. Hence, the readout and led the Egyptian history of the state.
The most outstanding is the time of Pharaoh Ramses II, the third king of Dynasty XIX, the son of Pharaoh Seti I. During his Egyptian civilization lived up to its peak. In Egypt, was created innumerable temples and works of art, most of which still rise above the white sands of the Sahara. For years, Egypt was considered the most powerful nation in the world.
Nature of Egypt
The Red Sea belongs to the seas and the Indian Ocean situated between the Arabian Peninsula and Africa. Washes the shores of Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia and Yemen. In the north of the Red Sea Suez Canal connects the Mediterranean Sea in the south - the Bab el Mandeb strait to the Arabian Sea. In the northern part of the sea are gulfs of Suez and Aqaba, the Sinai peninsula divided. Islands in the northern part of the sea and just a little south of 17 ° N they form large groups, most of them - Dahlak in the southwestern part of the sea. The area of the Red Sea - 450 km2, length - 1932 km, width - up to 305 km.
The depth of the Red Sea - up to 2811 m in the bottom topography divided into three zones. First - this is the coastal shallows (depth 200 m). In the southern coastal sea widest beach with numerous coral islands and indigenous. The second zone - depression, which occupies most of the seabed. The average depth of the basin to 1000 m and the third zone is a narrow and deep trench with a maximum depth of 2811 m
Sinai has always been one of the most important crossroads of the world. In the XVI century BC Egyptian pharaohs paved "the way of the god Horus" across northern Sinai to Jerusalem. Great "Via the Marne," the road from the Nile Valley in Mesopotamia, also passed on the Mediterranean coast of Sinai. The Romans and Nabateans used by desert from east to west Sinai, later received the name "Darb al-Hajj" - "the road of pilgrims." On it went to the Egyptian Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca.
In the south, in the triangular tip of the peninsula resembles a lunar landscape. It piled up granite mountains, with sharp peaks of Mount Moses (Bible - Mount Horeb), Mount Saint Catherine, Mount Serbal and Umm Shumar, where the children of Israel wandered 33 centuries ago.
One of the most interesting sites for tourists in the Sinai is St. Catherine's Monastery. In 313, Emperor Constantine the Great granted the status of a recognized religion, Christianity, and granted freedom of religion throughout the Roman Empire. Like most of the subsequent Byzantine rulers, he patronized monastic orders, spread into the biblical lands. The desire to be closer to God and away from persecution by the Roman pagans first resulted in a large number of Christians in the Sinai. They found there a calm, quiet, solitude and sanctity.
Egypt has a very vast area, so the country's climate is diverse. However, you can relax in Egypt throughout the year. In principle, we can say that the weather is ideal in October - April, terribly hot in the May - July, too hot in August and September. However, it is actually much more complicated, because in Egypt, as in all semi-arid countries, a huge influence on the temperature of the air has wind. Throughout the year, Egypt was under the influence of the north-east wind, and in December - March, temperatures can "ride" on the evening before falling 6-7 ° C. Winter in Egypt can be quite cold. In March, begins to dominate the south-west wind khamsin, which in Arabic means "fifty" - as it follows a period of 50 days. Because of its temperature rises. Dry and hot gusts of wind sometimes reaching speeds of 100-120 km / h and can cause numerous delays and intensity of air transport on the road (road enters the sand becomes indiscernible markings, etc.). Since May, the thermometer starts to go off-scale: the temperature on some days could rise to 45 ° C. This makes it impossible for any activity (except swimming). However, it should be noted that this applies only to the Middle and Upper Egypt, while in the Sinai Peninsula (due to its elevation above sea level and the prevailing north-easterly winds) and on the Mediterranean coast the temperature remains within acceptable limits (an average of 26 ° C in August, Alexandria). In August alone, the heat begins to soften, and by October the weather is beautiful again. As for rain, it is unlikely that you'll have to see it during your trip, unless you're walking in the winter or early spring along the Mediterranean coast. Here, at this time are short rainy periods (in Alexandria, annual rainfall 200 mm). In Cairo, the rains are extremely rare, but even they are enough to turn the city's dust and debris in the blackish dirt that gives a dark and dismal Cairo appearance.
Recreation of Egypt
More than six thousand years of history, remnants of ancient civilizations, the great pyramids and pharaohs, ancient churches and rich museums - attractions of Egypt is not the first century attracted many tourists. Ancient Egypt left to posterity a priceless heritage, a unique opportunity to touch that we have today.
Cognitive and a variety of tours of Egypt offering for everyone to get acquainted with the history of this amazing country.
Egyptian Museum in Cairo
The majestic neo-classical building which now houses the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, was designed by French architect Marcel Durnona. This is a collection unique is the largest collection of Egyptian art in the world, consisting of approximately 150,000 items related to a single civilization, which existed three thousand years.
This museum should be visited at least for one room, where exposed to the funeral mask of King Tutankhamun (11 kg of pure gold and precious stones), and yet - in a museum of more than 100 rooms, each of which is full of stunning masterpieces.
Huge interest in Ancient Egypt originated from the Europeans at the turn of the XVII and XVIII centuries and was due at least three factors: the Napoleonic campaign in Egypt in 1798, the discovery of the Rosetta Stone in 1799, as well as the publication in France in the years 1809-1816 the most complete scientific work, "Description of Egypt."
Europeans who visited this country, took out the whole collection of Egyptian antiquities, many of whom formed the core of exhibits that are now in many museums in Europe. To stop the uncontrolled removal of historic property in 1834, at the direction of Mohammed Ali Pasha, was a museum where all exhibits are cataloged. Soon after the collection was moved into the territory of the Citadel in Cairo. Unfortunately, the entire collection was originally collected was donated by the Austrian Archduke Maximilian Pasha, and is now in Vienna.
In 1858, to guide excavations in Egypt came one of the directors of the Louvre Auguste Marietta. In a small town near Cairo was assembled a new collection, which marked the beginning of the Cairo Egyptian Museum.
In 1902 the collection was moved into the building, which now adorns one of the central squares of Cairo - Tahrir.
In the Egyptian museum contains a rich collection of cultural treasures of the dynastic period. In more than a hundred halls and galleries located about 150 000 exhibits. On inspection of the entire collection would take several days or even weeks. So you should pay attention to the most interesting.
At the entrance you will see giant statues depicting Amenhotep III and his wife Tiyu. Contrary to tradition, her figure is the same magnitude as the figure of the pharaoh.
On the ground floor of the museum exhibited works Amarn period. They are much more realistic than anything that has been created in Egypt before, and after them. What is a famous head of Nefertiti!
First of all, the treasures of the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun, on display in the far end of the second floor. The tomb was discovered in 1922 in the Valley of the Kings, near the city of Luxor. The find was an archaeological sensation of the twentieth century as the tomb of Tutankhamun - the only one of the royal tombs, found not looted, in its original form. Treasure it were so numerous that their description, and transportation to the Egyptian Museum took five years. In the halls, where the treasures of the tomb are exhibited, there are four gilded wooden ark. Once upon a time they kept the stone sarcophagus of Tutankhamun, who is now in the valley of the Kings. The museum has three sarcophagi, one of which is made of cast gold, weighing 110 kilograms. The whole world knows now posthumous golden mask of the young Tutankhamun. It faithfully reproduces the face of the young pharaoh, who died in the 18 years of age. Another priceless exhibit - Tutankhamun's gilded throne, adorned with precious stones. The armrests are made in the form of snakes on the sides of the seat are lions' heads. On the back of the throne depicts the pharaoh and his beloved wife.
The newly reopened Hall of the royal mummies. In shop windows, where lie the mummies, the microclimate is created, as in the tombs of Valley of the Kings. Here on display 11 mummies of pharaohs, including Ramses II, Thutmose II and Seti I.
Generally speaking, uninteresting exhibits in the Egyptian Museum there, they were selected out of hundreds of thousands that are stored in the vaults. All exhibited in the halls - a unique and amazing craftsmanship of the ancient painters and sculptors.
The Pyramid of Cheops
Nobody remembers living Cheops. All he remembers only the dead. He was dead and a hundred and one thousand and three thousand years ago and always, always will be dead - the pyramid has immortalized his death
The Egyptian pyramid of Cheops at Giza - the oldest and yet the only surviving wonder of the world. It received its name after its founder - the pharaoh Khufu (ca. 2551 - 2528 years. BC). Because of its enormous size it is sometimes called the Great Pyramid, and placed first in the list of wonders of the world. With the exception of the Great Wall of China, the Great Pyramid of Giza - the largest building ever erected by man. Great Pyramid of Giza in ancient times reached 146 m, is currently top of the pyramid is destroyed and its present height of 137 meters.
The construction of the pyramid of Cheops has left 2.3 million stone blocks weighing an average 2.5 tons each. At the time of Cheops pyramid faces were covered with polished slabs of fine-grained sandstone, which were then used for the construction of the palaces of the sultans and the construction of houses in Cairo. On the amount used in the construction of the pyramids of the material can be judged from the following fact: according to British scientists estimates for the construction of Christian churches in England took less material than a pyramid of Cheops.
Recently, some scholars have expressed doubt that the Great Pyramid was indeed the tomb of Pharaoh Cheops. In support of this hypothesis they put forward three arguments:
The burial chamber, contrary to the customs of the time, has no embellishments.
The sarcophagus, which was to rest the body of the deceased pharaoh, a roughly hewn, that is, not completely ready, but the sarcophagus lid is non-existent.
And finally, two narrow course in which a small hole in the hull of the pyramid to the burial chamber penetrates the air outside.
But the dead do not need the air - this is another strong argument in favor of the pyramid of Cheops was not a place of burial.
Entrance to the Great Pyramid was originally located on the north side, at the 13th series of granite slabs. He is now closed. Get inside the pyramid manhole can be left by the ancient robbers. More than 3,500 years inside the Great Pyramid was not disturbed by anyone: all entrances to it were carefully bricked up, and the very tomb of the Egyptian notions, guarded by the spirits, ready to kill anyone who tries to penetrate it.
The Pyramid of Chephren (Khafre)
The internal structure of the pyramid of Khafre is relatively simple. Two cameras and two entrances on the north side, one - about 15 meters, the other - under it, at the base. Now get inside the pyramid from the top of the entrance corridor, which is beneath the ground is leveled and leads to the burial chamber.